Model Policy: The Values Assessment Act

October 30, 2022

The Values Assessment Act prohibits public schools from assessing, rewarding, or punishing students, teachers, or administrators for their level of commitment to any value or attitude that requires assent to any philosophy or political framework.


Section A

1. No public school or charter school shall use any assessment to measure the values or attitudes of a student, teacher, or administrator.

2. No public school or charter school shall reward or punish a student, teacher, or administrator, including by improvement or reduction in grade, for any value or attitude that requires assent to any philosophy or political framework.

3. Values and attitudes which may not be assessed, rewarded, or punished include commitment to “social justice,” “diversity,” “equity,” “inclusion,” or any other such concept that requires assent to any public policy.

Section B

If any provision of this chapter, or the application of any provision to any person or circumstance, is held to be invalid, the remainder of this chapter and the application of its provisions to any other person or circumstance shall not be affected thereby.