Governor Youngkin heeds the plea of Virginia parents over cell phone-free education

July 12, 2024

Amid the chronic mental health crisis plaguing American adolescents, Virginia’s governor is taking decisive action. Gov. Youngkin signed Executive Order 33 into law on Tuesday, July 9. 

Children spend nearly 5 hours daily solely on social media. Rates of suicide among girls and boys have increased 167% and 91% respectively since 2010. On average, students who utilize social media during class could see a 5% grade decrease —half a letter grade—on exams compared to their peers who did not. Parents, public health professionals, and educators have each expressed concerns over these alarming statistics.

In acknowledgement, Gov. Youngkin directed the Secretary of Education, the Secretary of Health & Human Resources, the Superintendent of Public Instruction, and the State Health Commissioner of Virginia to implement eight directives. 

Notably, the executive action directs schools to model implementation plans and draft guidance that facilitate a “cell phone-free education.” 

"Creating a cell phone-free education environment in public schools is not only a prudent measure but an essential one to promote a healthier and more focused educational environment where every child is free to learn," Youngkin, a Republican, said in the order.

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