Radical NYC teacher groups plan antisemitic walkout for high school students

June 03, 2024

This past Friday, radical teacher groups like NYC Educators for Palestine and Teachers Unite instructed high school students to leave their classrooms and march towards the NYC Department of Education headquarters to demand a ceasefire. The groups published instructional walkout toolkits stating, “high school students across New York City will walk out of school to demand an immediate ceasefire in Gaza and an end to U.S. support for Israel’s genocide of Palestinian people.” Organizers said that the rally was in protest of "Israel’s genocide of Palestinian people." While antisemitism on college campuses has been widely reported on, similar walkouts and protests have been occurring at the K-12 level since the attacks on October 11th and, unfortunately, they are not stopping. It is vital that we protect our children against radical teacher groups that push hate and falsity. NYC Department of Education Chancellor David Banks spoke out against the planned protests, which should serve as a signal for other leaders to do the same.  

"I'm a big believer in student voices and kids standing up for the things that they believe in…I don't think you need to have continued walkouts to do that," Banks told reporters. 

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